
NOTE TO GROUPS SIGNING UP: If you would like to sign up more than 5 people for an event, please email Mark at Marka@wearefamilydc.org to coordinate.

Columbia Heights Grocery Delivery

Saturday, February 22nd – staggered pick up times from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm New/infrequent volunteers will receive an email with a short survey the Tuesday before the delivery. Please fill it out as soon as possible to get a spot in the delivery. If you don’t get the email by Tuesday at 5 pm, please email us ASAP. Thanks!

Click to View Volunteer Opportunities on SignUp

Senior Visits

Saturday, March 8th – 10 am to 1 pm – Volunteers will meet up in the Shaw neighborhood for an orientation before being split into pairs to go visit nearby seniors in their homes. This is a great opportunity for new volunteers who are interested in our friendly visits program to give it a try, with veteran volunteers welcome as well!

Click to View Volunteer Opportunities on SignUp

North Capitol/Shaw Grocery Delivery

Saturday, March 15th – staggered pick up times between 9:30 am to 11:30 amNew/infrequent volunteers will receive an email with a short survey the Tuesday before the delivery. Please fill it out as soon as possible to get a spot in the delivery. If you don’t get the email by Tuesday at 5 pm, please email us ASAP. Thanks!

Click to View Volunteer Opportunities on SignUp